sábado, 5 de janeiro de 2002

Para quem ainda não sabe, há um pequeno programa chamado FSChatScroll disponível no site AVSIM.com que conserta o bug da janela de chat em multiplayer. Dá muito jeito para quando se voa com alguém que não pode usar o Roger Wilco. Aqui fica a descrição do ficheiro como está no site:

File Description:
MS Flight Simulator 2002's multiplayer chat window has a bug that causes the window to not scroll properly when new messages are displayed. To see the latest messages, you have to manually scroll the window down each time a new message arrives. FSChatScroll.exe is a simple little program (76Kb) that fixes that problem. Start it up and then just minimize it while you fly in FS2002. When a new message is added to the chat window, FSChatScroll will scroll the window down so you can see it. It runs on all versions of Windows, and since it uses minimal CPU resources (it shows as zero percent on my machine), it won't affect your frame rate in the game. Version 1.5 fixes a problem that happens when the multiplayer session is restarted while FSChatScroll is running.

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